Lampa Led
materiał: plexi + oświetlenie LED
rozmiar : 8 x 88 x 12 cm
Absolwentka Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie.
Doktor habilitowany, wykładowca na Wydziale Sztuki Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Prowadzi zajęcia na kierunku Wzornictwo i Digital Design oraz warsztaty dla studentów poszerzające percepcję światła i przestrzeni.
Zajmuje się rzeźbą świetlną oraz instalacjami świetlnymi. W swoim dorobku ma także kilkanaście wystaw indywidualnych.
Visual artist, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland. Since 1996 she has been working at the Faculty of Art at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, teaching biodesign, environmental art and visual structures.
She leads workshops for students about visual perception and environmental art.
She creates light objects and installations and has put focus on the phenomenon of light in space and the aesthetic value of both that creates the viewer’s impression about them.
She creates light objects and installations.
Wystawy indywidualne/Individual exhibition:
LIMES ZERO, Cracow Gallery Week, 04.2019;
2,4,5,8-OBRAZ-REZONANS (2,4,5,8 – Image-Resonance) Centrum Ekspozycyjne Stara Kotłownia, Olsztyn 02-03.2019,
[ALTER] Galeria OFF Frame, Krakow, 2018;
SAMOLUBNA KARTOGRAFIA (SELFISH CARTOGRAPHY), 2017, Galeria Łaźnia, Radom, 10.2017;
WSPÓŁRZĘDNE BARWY (Colour Coordinates), Warszawa, Schody Gallery, 10.2016,
#FF00FF, Kalisz, Uniwersytecka Gallery, 02-03.2016,
SZEŚĆ PRZYCZYN CIENIA (6 reasons of the shade), Kraków, Cellar Gallery, 10.2016,
ZARÓWNO, Kielce, XS Gallery,
INTERFERENCJE (Interference) in the conference Discursive Geometry 09. 2015,
MORFEUSZ (Morpheus), multimedia installation, Kalisz, Uniwersytecka Gallery, 10.2015,
LIGHTPRESENCE, multimedia installation, 1st International Digital Art Triennial, Hungary, Szegszard, House of Art, 09-11.2015 – Grand Prix,
1:200000, XS Gallery, Kielce 04.2015,
OBECNOŚĆ OBOWIĄZKOWA (Light Presens), Galeria MINI, Kraków, 05.2014,
Skiagraphia, Granada, Hiszpania, Faculdad Bellas Artes, Granada Universidad, 2016
Overillumination, Alicja Panasiewicz, Rita Kriege, Norymbergian House Gallery, Kraków 11.2014-01.2015
Subwersje światła, Rękawka Gallery, Kraków 12.2012
Lux Lumen Artefactory Gallery, Kraków 09.2011
Luce da luce, Lokator Club, Kraków 06.2010
LPP – liniatura światła, Pauza Club, Kraków 06.2009
Szkice światłem, Galeria BB, Kraków 12.2008-01.2009
Szkice z natury, Galeria BB, Wrocław 02-05.2007
Lapille, Kontrast Gallery, 07-08.2005
Lumiformy, Galeria BB, Kraków 11-12.2002
Udział w wystawach zbiorowych/group exhibition:
international exhibition Linia – tworzywo wyrazu BWA Częstochowa, 04-05.2017
international exhibition Styczne/Tangents Beit Betl College, Tel Aviv, 03.2017
international exhibition Grid, Uniwersytecka Gallery Cieszyn, 04.2017
project Variatio delectat international exhibition #error_in_art, Kraków, 12.2016
project Latarnia – Styczne, international project, cooperation with Beit Berl College, Israel during Jewish Culture Festival Kraków, 06/07. 2016
project Dwa domy international exhibition „20” – 20th Jubilee of Norymbergian House, Kraków and Cracovian House, Nurnberg, 05-07.2016
Sześć przyczyn cienia, group exhibition , Kraków, Cellar Gallery, 10.2015
Zarówno, Kielce, XS Gallery, INTERFERENCJE exhibition during conference Discoursive Geometry, 09. 2015
Morfeusz, multimedia installation, Kalisz, Mosty Sztuki, Uniwersytecka Gallery, 10.2015
od-ZYSK, trade fair exhibition Agora Cultural Center Wrocław, 02.2013
Doświetlimy pory roku with IKEA – Łódź Design, 10.2012
Zaprojektuj światło, Cieszyn Castle, 05.2012
About Design, Gdańsk trade fair, 05.2012
Rozświetlić kryzys, light design exhibition, BB Gallery, Kraków, 01-03.2012
Europejski design dla biznesu – Arena design trade fair, Poznań 05.2010
Viva LED, Home Décor trade fair, Poznań 03-06.06.2009
Let’s talk – an exhibition of emerging art, international exhibition Chicago, USA 08-09.2008
REMIX, international exhibition Fiskars, Finland 05-10.2006
Warsztaty i konferencje/ workshops and conference:
international conference „Colour, Culture, Science”, Accademy of Fine Arts Cracow, 10.2016
international conference „Geometria dyskursywna – Discursive Geometry”, Chęciny, 10.2016
international conference Patent Office RP „Innowacje społeczne we wzornictwie przemysłowym”, 03/04 2016
international conference “Educating the Net-Generation: Political and Cultural Aspects”, Israel, Beit Berl College, 03.2015
lecture „Young Polish design of last 10 years vs cultural and natural landscape”,” Light as a medium in transparent and translucent environment” and workshop : „Temporary light object”, „Temporary light painting”, RANEPA Moskva, Rossia, 04.2016
lecture „Young Polish design of last 10 years vs cultural and natural landscape„,” Light as a medium in transparent and translucent environment„and workshop: „Temporary light object„, „Temporary light painting„, Irlandia, Dublin, Dublin Institute of Technology 11.2012
warsztaty „Identity of words and pictures”, Belgia, Hasselt, Limburg Catholic University College, 09.2012
lecture „Young Polish design of last 10 years vs cultural and natural landscape„, „ Light as a medium in transparent and translucent environment” and workshop : „Temporary light object„, „Temporary light painting„, Macerata, Italy, Accademia di Belle Arti 03.2012
workshop and lecture „Shadows Drawing – Light Painting”, Portugal, Braganca, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança 09.2011
workshop „Identity of words and pictures”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 04.2011
Land art workshop, participation, International Summer Art Academy, 07.2010, Willa Decjusza, Kraków
workshop „Shadows Drawing – Light Painting”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Thessaloniki, 03.2010
workshop „Light Creation”, LIBERA UNIVERSITA’ MARIA SS ASSUNTA , Italy, Palermo (LUMSA) 09.2009
workshop „Light creation”, Polytechnic Institute Viana do Castello, Portugalia 04.2009
international project „Action calling” 2012 r. with partners: Macerata, Italy, Thessaloniki, Greece, Genova, Italy
international project: „Creativity for Mass Media Studies: Marketing Communication in the V4 Countries”, participation, Visegrad Founds, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Slovak Republic 2010