Jan van Noordt (1623/24 - 1676/1686) - attributed
Young shepherdess with flowers and a lamb
A seated young girl in a shepherdess costume raises a splendid rose blossom with her hand, which she is weaving into a wreath of flowers that she is holding in her other hand. The girl is wearing a yellow bodice over a white shirt and a yellow skirt, with a wide-brimmed hat on her head held around her neck by red ribbons. Her blonde curls fall over her shoulders on the right. At the bottom left, a lamb stretches its head into the picture. A landscape is sketched in the background. Leaning against the bushes, a shepherd's crook can be recognised on the left edge of the picture. Pictures with pastoral themes were very popular in 17th century Holland. Children were often portrayed as shepherds in Arcadia. Oil on panel, 56 × 48 cm