Nicholaes Berchem ( 1620-1683), attributed .
Annunciation to the Shepherds
The painter stages the Annunciation as a dramatic light event in the night. The clouds break open and an angel sits on a cloud bank and turns to the shepherds, some of whom look up in shock and surprise. It is a whole family, men, women and children, standing in front of a stable. Two women and a girl were already asleep and were woken up. Two men, perhaps father and son, are surprised while tending the herd. A white bull shines in the beam of light. The other animals, cows, goats and a donkey, appear as silhouettes in the foreground. On the right-hand edge of the picture, a bare tree stands out against the night sky, occupying most of the picture. Oil on canvas, 70 × 58.5 cm